1. The higher incomes people would leave more ecological footprint than the lower incomes people because the rich people have the ability to buy more things and when they have those thing, for example, cars, you would use it and car use fossil fuel and it comes back to many things that we can reduce so people with higher incomes leave mroe ecological footprint than the people with lower incomes. Also, when you have higher incomes, you might be able to buy cars that use waste .
2. Things that were on the listed is very expensive for lower incomes people to buy them. I think if we increase a little bit money on every item we bought everyday, we would help people have those things by using the bunch of money that was spended other things and make it cheeper for people to buy.
3. The ecological footprints are made of things that are producing but if a lot of advertisement board would be produced, the footprint would increase because of a billion of it need a thousand of things to produce and also cars and fuel to transfer it and lots of other processes.
4. In the future, we would have a better environment and that leds to having a good life. Everyone would live longer, the dooms day won't come that early. Last of all everyone would know it and respect things not being crazy and wild.
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